
Case Study

Case Study

Dr Eleanor Reed

Environmental Scientist

Dr Eleanor Reed

Environmental Scientist

Which organisation do you work for?

Wardell Armstrong

An Overview…

Within the Agriculture, Soils and Peat team at Wardell Armstrong we work on a wide range of projects from the initial planning phase, throughout construction, and during restoration and remediation.

The past few months have seen our team largely out on Site undertaking a range of soil surveys and site supervisory roles. In Scotland, we are undertaking extensive soil and peat surveys to help inform commercial forestry operations of future planting regimes; whilst soil surveys have been undertaken within England to inform the construction schemes of new rail and energy infrastructure, mineral developments, sports pitches and housing developments.

Our team are passionate about soils and continually promote the importance of the early consideration of soils in the development process and the use of best practice. This can help in easing the planning application process and reduce planning, design and construction costs, whilst maximising the sustainable soil re-use on sites which enables the continued provision of essential ecosystem services that soils provide.

As an experienced, Chartered soil scientist, I draw on a research background to deliver bespoke, practical soils and agricultural land-use advice to a wide range of clients, specialising in the delivery of large-scale infrastructure projects. In any given week, I can be on site to undertake ALC surveys or supervising construction works during soil handling activities, in the office preparing Environmental Impact Assessments and Soil Management Plans, or at consultation events with statutory and non-statutory stakeholders.

That’s the great part of this job, we have the ability to not only reduce the potential impact on soils and agricultural land during the planning process, but also be on site to ensure the methods and control measures are in place to ensure the successful reinstatement or restoration of land.


December 2019
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Case Studies