
Guidance and Science Notes

Guidance and Science Notes

Education & Resources

Land Use for Net Zero

Around 30% of the Earth’s surface is land. The way we use and interact with land will have an impact on climate change. Land and soil can contribute towards climate change mitigation for example, by removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and providing locations for clean energy production.

The evidence and guidance provided in this Land Use for Net Zero series will help us to understand where we should focus our efforts and the trade-offs involved in each of them, to support our collective aims to achieve net zero.

Guidance Notes

 Find out more about our professional soil competencies which set out the skills and knowledge anyone working with soil should have, or download our guidance notes which help non-soil specialists who need to refer to soil in their decision making.

Working with soil Competencies

Our full and Fellow members are required to work to our 10 Working with Soil competencies.

Position Statements and Responses

You can find our official position statements and responses to government inquiries below

Have you got a topic for a new guidance or science note?

We are always looking for new topics for Gudiance and Science Notes that we can share with our membership and the public. If you would like to propose a topic for either a Guidance or Science Note, please complete the proposal form linked below and return it to admin@soils.org.uk.

All proposals will be reviewed by Professional Practice and Development Committee (PPDC) at their next quarterly meeting and the outcome communicated to you shortly after.