
Case Study

Case Study

Dr Emilia Urbanek

Girlguiding Sleepout at the National Botanical Gardens in Wales

Dr Emilia Urbanek

Girlguiding Sleepout at the National Botanical Gardens in Wales

Approximately 500 Girlguides, including Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, and Rangers, from various parts of Wales, gathered at the National Botanical Gardens in Wales for an exciting Bubbling Botanicals sleepover event on the 20 May 2023. The girls had a wonderful time exploring the gardens while participating in a diverse array of both outdoor and indoor activities on this sunny and hot day.

One of the activities at the event was the ‘Zoom to Soil’ session supported by the British Soil Science Society and led by Dr Emilia Urbanek from Swansea University and her team of enthusiastic volunteers. The children had a chance to immerse themselves in the world of different soils, engaging in hands-on texture assessments or sculpting imaginative artworks using clay soils. Some even had friendly competitions to observe the water infiltration into various soils, including some intriguing hydrophobic sand.

For those who preferred to stay mud-free, they had the opportunity to examine the shapes, sizes and colours of soil particles and soil micro creatures through microscopes and magnifying cameras.

It was a great pleasure to spend the day with these curious explorers appreciating the wonders of nature and enjoying discovering the hidden gems within the natural world.

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Case Studies